Yesterday I posted a link to my blog yesterday and I had an amazing 100 views in one day! I am soo excited. Thanks to everyone who has been reading. I have been thinking to myself and this summer has definitely flown by. There are sooo many things that I've been wanting to do, but it seems like I have stayed super busy. This summer I took at class at a local college to stay ahead, volunteered with two different organizations for my major, and worked. I am EXHAUSTED...but I know that it is going to pay off several years down the road. It's almost the Fourth of July & as my one of my besties always says, "Once July comes the summer will flyyyyyyy by." Anywhoo, since I'm great at making lists, I came up with several things that I wanna do before the summer is completely over.
2. Find some new music! I feel like I always listen to the same artists over & over again. I need some versatility in my life.
3. See my friends! Lol This really shouldn't be on the list. However, I've been so super busy that I haven't had time to visit soo many of my friends.
4. Hit the particular go to ZUMBA. I <3 Zumba. For my senior project (wayy back when in hs (: ) I choreographed my own routines & taught a Zumba class for a class of about 50 people. it was soo much fun. I used to go to Zumba up to three times a week, but it seems like I just don't have time for it anymore.
5. Read another book. I started off this summer good, but when school & work & everything else kicked in I lost time for reading. Ugh
Okay this list/post is now stopping because the more I write, the more I feel like I don't have a life.
Jackie (:
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