Chuleria en Pote-Jadiel & Farruco: Here's to all of you reggaeton lovers! This is probably one of the most chill reggaeton songs that I've ever heard. It's a great start to your morning & a great cool down to your evening. It definitely hints to reggaeton's reggae roots as well.

Bang Bang Bang!- Mark Ronson, The Business International & Q-Tip: This song has been out for seven months now but I'm just now hearing it & hearing it & hearing it. It's on constant replay on my ipod. It has an addicting chorus & I love the part in French. Je Te Plumerai La Tete

No Games- Serani: Once again I'm late....real late. Apparently this song was a smash reggae hit over the SUMMER OF 2010. But in my defense, all of the songs that I've covered so far are foreign made, so my excuse is that it took a long time for these songs to reach the states. Originally I heard this song in Zumba class. It was our cool down song. Then at the Unity Ball (more info on the unity ball in the post below!) I heard this song again and went on a desperate search rampage to find it. Twenty search entries with wrong lyrics, pulling up various websites & youtube links and a headache later, voila! Enjoy.

Skinny Genes-Eliza Doolitte: I took a random chance with this song when it popped up on youtube's suggested videos list the other day & I completely fell in love. I am a big fan of Lily Allen. However, she hasn't come out with a cd since her last, 'It's Not Me, It's You." If you like Lily Allen or Kate Nash I can guarantee that you will fall in love with Eliza Doolittle. She has the sweet voice or Lily Allen, although she can't quite pack the punch that Lily does. But for the time being she's perfect!

SN: College is the perfect time to explore your tastes in music. I mean MTV has an entire channel devoted to University music. At my school there are lots of local bands who hold concerts downtown, parties with lots of fun music and so many new people to meet and explore their tastes in music (and maybe even influence your own tastes). Also in college, music= fashion. As a suggestion before coming to school, buy a shirt with your favorite musician, band, or artist. You're guaranteed to get compliments + it's a great conversation starter.
I am always looking for new music, so if you have any artists that you want me to listen to or include in my next post, feel free to drop a line in the comment box.
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