Let's go back a month ago to Thanksgiving. I

I actually watched the entire Macy's Thanksgiving Parade for the first time in many years (I have had bad past experiences with that parade). Kanye West's performance, as well as Keri Hilson's performance, was interesting. However, overall, I still felt that same bubbly feeling inside that I always felt when I watched the parade as a child.
The rest of our trip to Delaware was spent participating in some quality family time. We watched the Wizard of Oz and my four year old cousin made the comment that she didn't like the wicked witch of the west and, "Why is she green? She's not supposed to be green. She's supposed to be brown." Hahaha. Oh, the things that kids say :)
We said our good-byes and headed back home. I had one day to spend at home & then it was right back to school for study study studying. I had a portfolio to create for lit which consisted of seven edited essays which demonstrated my work over the semester. In addition, I had finals in pre-calc, interpersonal communications, and spanish 2002. It was a stressful and demanding two weeks. By the end of finals, I was sick of dining hall food, stress eating, the cold & my dorm in general. On top of all of that I became sick (gross!) But overall they ended up being farely successful. I made pretty good grades on the majority of my exams. I am now a first year sophomore and if things continue to head in the direction that they are going in now, by the fall 2011 semester, I will be a junior. Yet I am not completely satisfied. I've made a list of things to do in order to improve my grade [and hopefully these will help you as well].
- Buh-bye Facebook: I'm going to temporarily delete my fb during the week (so that I can't receive any notifications, and thus have no need to use fb) and I'll use it only on the weekends.
- Study Hall Here I Come: On Mondays and Fridays I have only one class, so I plan on spending my time after class in the study rooms in our student center.
- More Structured Weekends: My weekends are going to be more structured. Now that there are no more football games, there should be less distractions. I will devote more time on the weekends to studying.
And now you are brought back up to speed :) Last week I spent my time relaxing, facebooking, and basically catching up on all of the things that I hadn't been able to do. In addition, I was dragged all over my hometown shopping for Christmas gifts. Now I am in a hotel in Pennsylvania waiting to visit my family. More updates will be coming soon!
Jackie :)
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