Hey Hey Hey!
So I am completely in awe of the fact that I'm at 800 views! Woot Woot! It has taken me a while to get to this point, but I'm super excited. Hopefully I'll be at 1,000 soon. Here's a couple of updates for now!
Everyone on the bus, headed to the game! |
- Drake has new music...aigdadhfoigjiojasdgabbagabbagabba!! I am SUPER excited because I was starting to get just a little bored with Headlines. But that song is still great nonetheless! The first song, Club Paradise, is kinda chill and somber. It's more like the "new" Drake. The second song, Free Spirit featuring Rick Ross, sounds a lot like So Far Gone! Yay (: The final song, Waka Flocka's Round of Applause, which features Drake is....interesting to say the least. Drake's part goes real hard of course...but anything Waka Flocka is not so great (to say the least). Nevertheless, I'm super excited about Drake's newly released singles & extra pumped for "Take Care" (which comes out in 1 month & 12 days yay!)
- First home football game of the year! Woot Woot! Unfortunately we lost, due to a last minute fumble & a sucky offensive line. I was seriously hoping that we would win this game. We lost by 3 points :( Three points! I had lots of fun with my friends though (I got to see my Patrice who I've missed sooo much) & next week's game should be a definite win :)
- Party Party Party: So Friday night there was a hugeeeee frat party at the Delta Sigma house. There were sooo many people there. I had lots and lots of fun (: Then Saturday night we headed dt after the game. It was lots of fun! Two of my friends and I were at this club dt and they started playing LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem. My friend looooooves that song and immediately climbed up on a table & started shuffling. Well she shuffled too far to the right and fell off the table! Bahahahaha. The funny thing is that even though she fell and was wedged in between the table & seats, she was still singing and trying to shuffle. LOL! That was a very eventful night!
- So Far, So Good: So far sophomore year is great! I'm meeting so many new people, my classes are terribly easy (they're my final core classes before I enter my major) & I'm just living it up! I think it has a lot to do with the building that I'm living in this year. Last year my building was filled with lots of Sorostitutes (except for Inverness Hall & the 9th floor!), but this year a lot of my friends live on my hall & everyone is super chill. Thank God for that!
Welp, that's literally everything that I've been up to! Hopefully more interesting exciting news will be posted later!