So the other day I braided my hair into about 20 braids (10 on each side) and let my hair completely dry overnight. The next morning I unbraided my braids,which had helped my hair to stretch out so that I could do an overall hair check. Sometimes its hard to check the health of your ends when you're rocking the curly fro. It always seems like my ends are really rough & choppy, but surprisingly they don't seem to be all that bad. I'm thinking that I'm going to break my heat free streak before I go back to school just to do a length check. A lot of people, who don't like to use heat at all, like to simply stretch their hair at the ends in order to check the length of their hair. But my hair kinks up so much that it's really hard to check the length of your hair simply by stretching it with your fingers....especially when you've had a couple of bad experiences with the scissors like I have (lol) and your hair is several different lengths. For the time being, I've braided my hair into about 30 (Okay so I just counted & its more like 50. I obviously don't have anything productive to do with my life lol) braids and I plan on keeping it like that for the next couple of days. No heat, no water, no combing & bothering my hair. Just a couple of days of R & R for my hair. I will definitely post an update when I straighten my hair. But for now here are some of the things that I've noticed about my hair:
- Before I started my no heat campaign, my hair was thinning along the scalp directly above my forehead. On a perfect wash cycle, when I put heat into my hair the dead straight look last for about 2 days while the roller set curls last for about a week and 1/2, after which my roots start kinking up and it's time to wash my hair again. However, usually I get lazy and decide not to do anything with my hair at night. This leads to instant kinky roots which are thrown into my go to bun. I tend to pull my hair up into a really tight bun in order to give the appearance that my roots are still straight. Hah! Well this bad habit has caused some horrible thinning at the hair line. Thank God the good thing is that my scalp is now filled with lots of mini curls that are filling in the gaps where my hair line was thinning.
- I am really having a hard time figuring out if my hair has gotten any longer since April. I have trimmed my ends twice, cutting off no more than half a centimeter. Healthy hair grows 1/2 an inch per month so I'm assuming that it's grown 1 1/2 since April - the small bits of hair which I trimmed from the ends. This is why I want to "cheat" and straighten my hair just to see how long it is. I will say that my fro sits directly on my shoulders now, even on the hottest most humid day (which normally causes my fro to shrink). So that must be a good thing right?
- My kitchen hair comes down to my shoulders now when they are stretched out! Yay (:
I am adding a couple of new changes to my routine. I am trying to improve the health of my ends by sealing everyday with either shea butter or palmers growth treatment. I am in search of a good sulfate free shampoo. The co-wash was working well, but I still feel like I need a good conditioner to clarify my hair completely. Also I've been using Kinky-Curly Knot Today Leave-in/Detangler while I'm detangling. I'll be sure to add more updates soon.
Love love love,
Jackie (: